Redakcja Waszej Gazety poszukuje kandydatów na stanowisko : Fotoreporter / Reporter (praca dorywcza) (Sępólno bKrajeńskie/b, Więcbork, Sypniewo, Sośno, Kamień bKrajeński/b i wszystkie inne miejscowości powiatu sępoleńskiego) Wymagania ...
The bRunowo/b Conference commenced at approximately 6:00 AM in bRunowo Krajenskie/b, Poland. Ostensibly a wedding celebration for friends, it was in fact a meeting of distinguished representatives from the United States (me) and three Polish ... Polish wife) to the local Polish swimming pool when on holidays (bvacation/b) in Poland. He was aghast to discover a sign that depicted a pair of speedos with a tick (check?) beside them and a pair of thigh length swimming shorts with an ...